Lime for lawns {When and How to Lime Your Lawn}

The kind of soil in your lawn influences how healthy and vibrant your grass will grow. Most lawn grasses thrive in slightly acidic soil with a PH of 6 to 7, so it is essential to ensure your soil PH does not go below 5.5. Adding lime to the soil of your lawn helps to … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Clover In Lawn

I love the soft, cushiony feeling of stepping on clover, but my sentiments on this flowering plant aside, not everyone likes it. Clover in lawn can be a nuisance, especially if you want to keep a uniform grass lawn. So, if this weed invades your lawn, you’ll naturally want to figure out how to get … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Flies Outside Instantly

Flies can disrupt an otherwise pleasant day outdoors as you barbeque in your backyard with your loved ones or engage in other fun activities. Aside from landing on and contaminating your food, flies just make the air around you unpleasant. These disease carriers are especially active during the warmer months, which is quite annoying since … Read more

Why Is My Grass Turning Yellow? {How To Fix It}

A lush and vibrant lawn adds to the beauty of your property and provides a pleasant environment for outdoor activities. However, when you start to see yellowing grass blades in your lawn, it can be quite frustrating. Yellow grass blades can be caused by several factors, including overwatering, underwatering, nutrient deficiencies, pests and diseases and more. … Read more

Does Neem Oil Kill Ants?

Are there more hardworking insects than ants out there? Probably not. These little creatures improve drainage and soil aeration, but despite all the good they can do for your yard, they can also be destructive. Ants can harm your plants and cause structural damage, so you must deal with them. You can eradicate them in … Read more

Pros and Cons of Dethatching Your Lawn

Considering the damage dethatching can cause to your grass, you probably wonder why this practice is done entirely. The truth is there are pros and cons of dethatching lawn and knowing both sides of the coin will help you gain more information on thatch, setting you up for success. The choices you make regarding your … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Dandelions In Yard

Kids love these delightful plants because of their bright yellow flowers and white, fluffy, feathery seeds that they often collect and blow away. Your kids will likely love dandelions in your yard, but this flowering herb is a weed and can easily take over your landscape. Unfortunately, this weed is disreputably hard to eradicate because … Read more

How To Get Rid of No See Ums In Yard

True to their name, no-see-ums, also called biting midges or sandflies, are so tiny that they’re difficult to see. In fact, you may go about your business without realizing that you’ve been bitten until you begin to itch. Having them in your outdoor living spaces is frustrating because they can easily disrupt your time outdoors. … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Ground Moles With Dawn Soap

Dawn soap is so versatile. You can use it to clean so many items around your home. In this article, we look at how to get rid of ground moles with dawn soap without destroying your yard or garden. If you have invested blocks of time and effort to enhance your garden or lawn’s aesthetic … Read more