Killing Moles with Marshmallows – (Here’s How To Do It Right)

Keeping your lawn beautiful is futile with moles around as these tiny creatures will wreak havoc by digging and creating numerous holes. Fortunately, you can adopt some strategies like using marshmallows to kill moles. Here’s how to use marshmallows to kill moles: Start with removing all visible possible sources of food that moles can eat. Put 2 … Read more

7 Best Dog Repellents for Yard

They are friendly, adorable, and regarded as the world’s most preferred pets because they are loyal and faithful to a tee. However, dogs can also be destructive if left to roam around digging your lawn, trampling your flowerbeds, and urinating on your grass. In order to protect your lawn from being damaged by feral, lost, … Read more

Why Put Straw on Grass Seed {Plus Alternatives}

It would be a waste of time, energy, and money to plant grass seeds on your lawn, only for them to fail to germinate. This is why you need to boost their germination rates and capacity to grow to maturity, and one way to do that is using straw to cover grass seed. Covering grass … Read more

How To Overseed Lawn Without Aerating

Lawn aeration is typically a standard procedure when overseeding your lawn, but is it possible to skip this step, and if yes, how to overseed lawn without aerating? To overseed a lawn without aerating, you will need to mow the lawn below 2 inches, rake to loosen the soil and remove debris, spread the grass … Read more

Overwatered lawn: Signs + How to fix overwatered lawn

So, the rule of thumb when it comes to watering your lawn is to use sufficient water but not too much. However, that is confusing because how much water is too much, and what are signs of an overwatered lawn? Signs of an overwatered lawn are growing fungi, water runoff, yellowing grass, a spongey yard, … Read more

When To Mow New Sod

Mowing your new sod too early or waiting too long can impair the proper growth of your grass. It’s common to be worried when it comes to sod first mow because improperly doing it can destroy the sod. One of the most important things to know is when to mow new sod. You should wait … Read more

Why is My New Sod Turning Brown?

When you install new sod, the goal is to have a green, lush lawn, so it can be heartbreaking if you start seeing brown spots on your grass. It’s easy to panic when this happens, but first, you need to figure out why new sod is turning brown. The main reasons as why your new … Read more

Can You Walk On Grass After Fertilizing?

It’s common knowledge that your lawn requires fertilizers since it offers incredible benefits to your grass; thus, making it critical to lawn care and maintenance. However, your grass will not benefit from the nutrients provided by the fertilizer, if it’s not allowed to absorb them, hence the question can you walk on grass after fertilizing? … Read more

Laying Sod Next To Existing Grass

Typically, you have to prepare your lawn before laying new sod to give it the best chance of taking root quickly and maturing first. However, is it possible to lay sod next to existing grass to renew your lawn, fill the sparse areas, and grow a thick healthy lawn? If you have specific areas of … Read more

Orange Mushrooms In Yard {Poisonous or Not}

While mushrooms make for a delicious delicacy many people around the world enjoy, not every mushroom is edible. Therefore, you must be careful about touching or eating the mushroom you come across. You will likely find different types of mushrooms growing on your lawn, including orange mushrooms. Usually, orange mushrooms in yard signify a great … Read more