Installing new sod can be an exciting and rewarding process for homeowners who want to transform their lawn into a lush and green oasis.
While the end result is worth the wait, one of the most common questions people ask is when can they start walking on the new sod.
It’s strongly recommended that you wait two weeks before you walk on new sod. Walking on new sod too soon can cause damage and prevent the roots from properly establishing themselves
In this article, we’ll explore the best time to walk on new sod and what steps you can take to ensure its success.
So, whether you’re a seasoned landscaper or a new homeowner, let’s get started on creating the perfect lawn.
When Can You Walk On New Sod?
You can start walking on your new sod after 14 days once it develops shallow roots, although the exact number of days depends on whether the sod has taken root.
If this sounds like a long time, consider that if you had used seed in place of sod, you would have had to wait at least two months longer.
Waiting two weeks is preferable to waiting two months, and your patience will pay dividends.
Sod that pulls readily with little effort has not yet rooted, so you should avoid stepping on it. Considerable resistance while lifting the sod shows it has formed stronger roots and thus can survive significant foot activity.
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Besides needing to wait two weeks, you have to water your sod effectively, and that demands you to walk on it. It is a requirement; all you have to do is pad it as little as possible.
So, while mowing newly planted sod for the first time, walk softly and carefully and follow the recommendations.
It’s also worth noting that warm weather allows grassroots to establish themselves more quickly in the soil beneath.
Therefore, waiting for the needful time entrenches your lawn firmly on the ground and will not drift or suffer from damaged roots because of foot activity.
Related: Brown Spots in New Sod
Is It Okay To Walk On New Sod?
It’s not okay to walk on newly laid sod because new sod takes roughly 2 weeks to develop shallow roots, walking on it can prevent the fragile young roots from developing properly.
As a result, the best course of action is to wait for the complete root establishment – that’s at least 14 days.
Otherwise, you can endeavor to reduce the waiting time by increasing the rate of root establishment. You can accomplish this by watering the new sod copiously for 14 days.
However, avoid over-watering the sod, too much moisture in the soil could hinder sod from taking root.
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If you must walk on the new sod during the first one and a half months of installing, avoid trekking on the same course on the yard and vary your pathways.
It will reduce the likelihood of significant foot traffic causing wear on certain portions of the sod.
You can safeguard your fresh sod by covering it with plywood if it receives a lot of foot activity. However, avoid covering it for an extended period as this will bar direct sunlight from reaching it.
What Happens If You Walk On Sod
If you walk on new sod before it takes root you’re reducing the chances of your lawn thriving. Foot traffic will disturb the young roots that are trying to settle in.
Remember if your new sod doesn’t take root well, it may end up wilting and dying.
So you’re better off staying off your new sod for at least 14 days for it to develop a strong root system and in the end you will end up with a beautiful lawn.
How Long Should I Keep My Dog Off New Sod
Keep your dog off new sod for at least two weeks until the roots have grown. Typically, It takes up to two weeks for sod to take root so keep your dog off from it during that time.
If you have adequate space in your yard, you can restrain your pet from the sod for at least a month.
Sod encompasses a roll of grass whose roots hold the layer of topsoil and biodegradable material. The roots sprout and penetrate the soil once you lay the sod on the ground.
Read more: Will baking soda neutralize dog urine on grass
The roots of freshly established sod are initially weak. A dog walking or running would exert excess pressure on the sod.
The sod roots would weaken and cause the grass to come off.
A dog’s urine contains nitrogen, salt, urea, and other chemical components that stifle root development.
Sod roots take between half a month to two months to dissolve the constituents of dogs’ pee, hence explaining why such waste would be detrimental to the growth of your new grass.
In addition, dogs nibble on grass whenever they have stomach upsets or feel unwell. Gnawing on the fresh sod diminishes your chances of having a stunning lawn.
That said, you need to keep your pet away from the sod for two weeks or more.
How To Block Off New Grass From Dogs
Keeping your dog off new grass isn’t as challenging as many think. It only needs a little time and effort.
It’s worthwhile since keeping your pet off the new sod allows it to mature properly. Look at some of the most successful methods for keeping dogs away from new lawns:
a) Make A Temporary Fence
Creating a temporary barrier has proven to be one of the best ways to keep dogs off new grass. It eases all the worries about your dog peeing on or destroying the newly laid sod in your absence.
After ascertaining your dog’s size, you can employ steel, wood, net, or plastic to make a temporary fence in your yard. Alternatively, you can rent or buy a temporary fence.
b) Provide Alternative Forms Of Entertainment
Dogs must go for walks and play to use up their energy. They achieve this by running around the front yard or the backyard.
After installing new sod, you could take your dog on a lengthy walk or to a park to spend its energy. This exercise will tire them so much that they won’t beg to play on the grass.
c) Train Your Dog
Training your dog to keep off the sod could pay in spades, provided the pet is trainable. Giving it incentives such as snacks and affection for keeping off the turf.
How To Water New Sod Without Walking On It
Sprinklers are the ideal method to irrigate your newly planted sod without walking on it.
Just in case you don’t have sprinklers in place and must hand water the grass, ensure that you walk lightly on the grass.
Asides from that, avoid dragging your feet to check to slip the sod.
When watering the grass, avoid treading on it if it’s damp; and the soil is moist since it’ll be more susceptible to wear damage.
To do so, start watering at the farthest portion of the lawn and work your way away from it.
From the post, installing new sod on your turf is a brilliant way to refresh your yard aesthetics without ripping up your lawn to plant new grass seed.
However, when can you walk on new sod?
You should wait for two weeks before you walk on new sod. Walking on freshly sodded lawn before it establishes its root system can be detrimental.
If you must walk on the newly planted sod, particularly hand watering, make sure you walk lightly. Also, avoid walking on the same path each time you indulge in this exercise.

Hey there, I’m Derek Schew, a writer for, where we cover everything and anything related to lawns. As someone who’s spent countless hours tending to my own lawn, I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping others achieve the perfect yard. From lawn care tips to product reviews, I’m committed to providing our readers with the most accurate and up-to-date information available. So whether you’re a seasoned lawn enthusiast or just getting started, I invite you to join our community and discover the joys of a lush, green lawn.