How to Grow Grass in Clay Soil

Growing grass in clay soil isn’t a common occurrence since this soil is typically heavy and compacted; hence not conducive for grass growth. Generally, developing a healthy, lush lawn requires effort, and your work is cut out for you when working with less-than-ideal conditions. However, although you will likely have to do more to establish … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Prairie Dogs In Your Yard

Have you ever stepped outside into your backyard, only to find a group of prairie dogs staring right back at you? These cute and furry creatures may seem harmless, but they can wreak havoc on your yard and garden. Not only do they dig extensive networks of burrows, but they also eat away at your … Read more

8 Amazing Things You Can Do With Grass Clippings

So, your grass’ growing season is here, whether it is summer for warm-season grass or spring and fall for cool-season grass. In that case, lawn mowing becomes more frequent as grass grows actively. In addition, it means dealing with more grass clippings. Your lawn maintenance routine doesn’t end with having a uniformly cut yard, as … Read more

Killing Moles with Marshmallows – (Here’s How To Do It Right)

Keeping your lawn beautiful is futile with moles around as these tiny creatures will wreak havoc by digging and creating numerous holes. Fortunately, you can adopt some strategies like using marshmallows to kill moles. Here’s how to use marshmallows to kill moles: Start with removing all visible possible sources of food that moles can eat. Put 2 … Read more

7 Best Dog Repellents for Yard

They are friendly, adorable, and regarded as the world’s most preferred pets because they are loyal and faithful to a tee. However, dogs can also be destructive if left to roam around digging your lawn, trampling your flowerbeds, and urinating on your grass. In order to protect your lawn from being damaged by feral, lost, … Read more

Can You Walk On Grass After Fertilizing?

It’s common knowledge that your lawn requires fertilizers since it offers incredible benefits to your grass; thus, making it critical to lawn care and maintenance. However, your grass will not benefit from the nutrients provided by the fertilizer, if it’s not allowed to absorb them, hence the question can you walk on grass after fertilizing? … Read more

Orange Mushrooms In Yard {Poisonous or Not}

While mushrooms make for a delicious delicacy many people around the world enjoy, not every mushroom is edible. Therefore, you must be careful about touching or eating the mushroom you come across. You will likely find different types of mushrooms growing on your lawn, including orange mushrooms. Usually, orange mushrooms in yard signify a great … Read more

How To Get Rid Of Chipmunks In Your Yard

You have likely seen a chipmunk scurrying across the ground or climbing trees and even enjoyed their presence. This is especially since they are super cute rodents with compact slender bodies. However, you will feel differently if they invade your yard. Don’t let their adorable tiny bodies fool you into thinking they are harmless. Chipmunks … Read more

Scarified Lawn Looks Terrible (Should You Be Worried)

You shouldn’t be worried about your lawn looking bad after scarifying because the destruction is only temporary. Your lawn should recover within 4-6 weeks. Scarifying your yard helps remove excess thatch and moss, improve drainage, and let nutrients get to the roots. Your lawn maintenance regimen should include scarification, but make sure you pick the right … Read more

Can Human Urine Kill Grass?

Your kids may have developed the habit of peeing on the lawn, or you relieve yourself on your grass while stumbling home after a night out with friends. The consequences of these actions on the grass are sure to make you panic, wondering if the lawn you spent so much time working on is ruined … Read more