The unsightly presence of weeds on your lawn is enough to send you on a quest to find the best way to get rid of them. While applying weed killer or even uprooting them with your hand seems like the obvious remedy, does mowing weeds kill them?
Mowing weeds does not kill them. However, you can mitigate their reproduction by cutting them before they flower. Set your lawn mower to approximately two inches, cut the weeds, and then pull them out by the roots.
Allowing weeds to grow out of control can create seeds, which will sprout everywhere you mow and mulch.
This easy-to-read article covers more ground on this topic and answers questions you might have about the same. Read on to find out more.
Is It OK To Mow Over Weeds?
It’s okay to mow over weeds. Weed mowing is generally an undemanding approach to curb its spread.
Related: Homemade Weed Killer
However, most weeds regrow and develop fresh weeds even after you spend time mowing them low to the ground. If you’re cutting weeds using a lawnmower, adopt the following measures:
1) Mow Weeds Before They Drop Seeds
Weeds proliferate fast when they develop seed heads, so they may soon be unsightly as they deplete the nutrients in your yard. Some weeds can be picked up by the wind and blown about the yard shortly after mowing them.
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Preferably, eliminate weeds before flowering, which culminates in spreading seeds in no time. You can cut those that evaded removal before developing seed heads.
As a result, Stable Management recommends that you cut weeds before they seed. When you clear the weeds having seed heads, you’re getting rid of one of the most common weed sources.
To eradicate the weeds and create the lawn you’ve always wanted, stick to a mowing routine and follow the guide below:
a) Configure Your Lawn Mower’s Blades To The Proper Height Depending On The Grass You Are Cutting.
Weed seeds can reach the soil more rapidly and receive more sunlight when the grass is trimmed too short.
Determine the height limit your lawn should remain and adjust the blades to the maximum height possible.
b) Mow The Grass Once A Week To Keep Any Weeds From Sprouting And To Sustain A Healthy Yard.
Maintaining grass makes it denser, shadowing the earth so that weeds can’t sprout and their seeds can’t germinate close to the ground.
c) Using A Rake, Gather All The Trimmed Weeds And Seed Heads And Discard Them.
Repeat this process when the weeds sprout again.
NOTE: It’s all about timing. Even if your turf doesn’t demand maintenance, you may push the lawnmower over it if you notice weeds emerging.
The mower won’t hurt the grass blades if they’ve not matured yet, but you will clip the weeds before they flower.
Read more: How to prevent weeds from growing in new sod
2) Never Mow Weeds That Are too Tall
Mowing tall weeds can create additional problems. Besides giving your standard push mower a rough time, they tend to spill seeds all over the place.
Related: How to get rid of weeds in grass naturally
Using the lawnmower at its limits while mowing tall weeds might hurt the wheels and create inconsistent lines.
3) Remove The Mulch As Soon As Possible
Mulching is an effective way to encourage plants to flourish. However, mulch from cutting weeds is generally laden with debris and seeds that stimulate the growth of weeds.
When a weed establishes its roots, it drains nutrients meant for other plants on the lawn, starving them of the nourishment they require to thrive.
If mowing weeds have been overtaken by their shedding seeds, height, or other inconveniences, skip to the following phase.
Also read: Killing crabgrass with baking soda
Does Mowing Over Weeds Kill Them?
Mowing over weeds will not kill the roots, so they eventually grow back. While it is conceivable that they could die after numerous mows, it is unlikely and inefficient.
Should I Pick Weeds Before Mowing?
You should remove weeds before mowing your turf, even though it’s time-consuming and labor-intensive. It may be aggravating, particularly if you have a vast lawn.
Before clipping the site, Bio-Advanced suggests stacking the weeds upright using a rake. Follow these steps to get rid of weeds before you mow:
1) Remove The Weeds Using A Rake
It will draw the seeds up, allowing you to take them from the bottom and remove the roots.
2) Grasp The Weed At The Base And Yank It Till The Roots Come Out.
Many weeds may regrow if their roots linger in the dirt.
3) Use A Lawn-friendly Weed Herbicide
If you want to rid your turf of clover, crabgrass, dandelion, and other weeds, Ortho WeedClear Weed Killer won’t let you down.
4) Mow the turf to get rid of any weed cuttings or grass trapped in the area
Avoid using mulch to supply nutrients to other plants, and discard it because mulch can harbor seeds.
It’s also worth mentioning that pulling weeds is a more effective way of curbing the spread of weeds than mowing. You can implement the following to help you contain or stop weed development in your yard:
Watering a weed invaded area eases the removal of roots.
Also Read: How To Permanently Kill Weeds And Grass
Remove weeds from the soil but don’t leave them in a mound. If they’ve flowered, they’ll release seeds when uprooted, and other weeds will spring up in their place.
Use a knife or a tiny spade to get the whole plant if it has firmly established roots.
The good thing is that after you’ve completed this procedure, you’ll only have to repeat it once a season. Weeds can’t take over your landscape if you keep it well-maintained.
Read more: Is it good to water grass after mowing
Does Mowing Weeds Spread Them?
While mowing often helps manage weeds, it may also encourage them to spread if done poorly. Weeds and their seeds might become lodged beneath the push mower’s deck.
The seeds can drop effortlessly in other regions hence facilitating their rapid spread. In addition, unless you capture the mower’s exhaust, clippings laden with weed seeds will spread further; mowers run on several lawns may transport weeds.
After usage, clean your mower and dispose of the clippings carefully. You can also incorporate an exhaust-catcher bag before weeding.
Can I Use Lawn Mower On Weeds?
You can use a lawnmower to control weeds. However, if you’re mowing for weed suppression, ensure your mower has a clippings bag affixed.
This strategy is most effective against weeds that are still immature and only propagated by seeds. The weed will ultimately cease sprouting if you cut it down before it has a chance to disperse its seed.
Weed seeds can linger in the soil for years and then slowly resurface. It will take a long time to mow out the weeds, but if you stick with the procedure, it will pay off ultimately.
Sadly, regardless of how much you run the mower over the turf, weeds that grow by stolons or runners will keep spreading. You’ll need to apply a suitable herbicide to curtail such varieties.
Weeds like Bindiis are a thorn in the flesh since they grow close to the ground beyond your lawnmower’s reach. You can employ a Bindii weed killer to get rid of the problem.
Does Regular Mowing Kill Weeds?
Regular mowing helps eliminate weeds since it helps cover the soil with thick grass, depriving weeds of a conducive environment with lots of sunlight to thrive. Typically, several lawns have dense blades, which provide shelter for the soil below.
Cut your grass once a week or as needed to maintain the blades at least two inches high. If the turf features a height of nine inches, don’t trim it any shorter than three inches during the first week.
If you disregard this advice, your grass blades may become too thin. Take a week off before cutting it down to the ideal two-inch length.
Routine mowing may not clear weeds that are shedding seeds, but it may be the ideal mitigation approach once you’ve tried the preceding four steps. Furthermore, you can try Xeriscaping if you would not like to struggle with regular upkeep.
Also read: Can you be fined for not mowing your lawn
Final Remarks
After cutting through a yard full of deep, thick, unpleasant weeds, I can guarantee that cutting them down and removing their stems is the ideal approach. Apply an all-natural herbicide to keep weeds at bay, then maintain your grass mowed to ensure it remains stunning.
Weeds are a nuisance that practically every homeowner must confront. However, the tips outlined in the article will help you eliminate them before and after trimming your turf.
Penn State Extension –The Impact of Mowing on Weed Pressure

Hey there, I’m Derek Schew, a writer for, where we cover everything and anything related to lawns. As someone who’s spent countless hours tending to my own lawn, I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping others achieve the perfect yard. From lawn care tips to product reviews, I’m committed to providing our readers with the most accurate and up-to-date information available. So whether you’re a seasoned lawn enthusiast or just getting started, I invite you to join our community and discover the joys of a lush, green lawn.