The effort that goes into preparing the area and installing new sod will go to waste if you fail to care for your newly installed lawn.
When it comes to annual lawn maintenance, overseeding or reseeding is a crucial part but a new concept to new homeowners hence the question, can you overseed new sod?
Keep reading to understand why overseeding your lawn should be on your to-do list.
Can You Overseed New Sod?
Yes, you can overseed new sod where there is signs of thinning as it helps regain the grass density that was lost.
Nobody likes a patchy, thin lawn since they appear unhealthy, and the bare areas are excellent for moss and weeds to inhabit. Luckily, overseeding solves this problem.
It’s more economical to buy grass seeds than enough turf to fit the problematic areas. Additionally, the process of overseeding is less messy and more straightforward.
While sodding can be hard for some people since it can be technical, overseeding is simple, and anyone can do it correctly.
In addition, installing sod can take about 2 to 3 days, but overseeding lawn patches will only take you a few hours.
Read more: When to mow new sod
After overseeding, it would be best to topdress with soil and a blend of turf moderately to cover the seeds.
Moreover, aerating your lawn, removing dead grass, reseeding, then topdressing is essential if you have poor drainage in your yard.
Also read: Using Straw To Cover Grass Seed
When to Overseed New Sod?
The best time to overseed new sod is in the early fall/autumn. This is because the weather is likely to be temperate and not too hot. The soil will be warm and the grass will be actively growing.
The best thing about overseeding in autumn is that the rains provide moisture, longer daylights, and the soil still holds summer’s warmth.
In addition, the weed seeds are in small quantities in the environment in the fall than in spring.
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However, if you take time in spring to remove moss that grew in over winter, you should absolutely overseed.
Generally, overseeding in summer and winter is not ideal, even if some people advocate for winter.
Also Read: Laying new sod in the winter
Summer doesn’t provide enough moisture for the germination and growth of grass seeds. However, lightly water your lawn 2 to 3 times a day should you choose to do it in summer to keep the soil moist.
It’s also worth noting that you will have to wait for a while for the seeds to germinate (2-3 weeks) and much longer for the blades to establish completely (2 months).
Can you Seed Over Dead Sod?
Yes, you can seed over dead sod but seed needs to make contact with soil and be wet for them to germinate. Seeds that sits on top dead grass will not grow.
How To Reseed Over Dead Sod
Once your sod dies, you will need to find ways to restore your lawn because dead grass won’t grow back. While you can choose to install new sod, seeding over dead sod is also a viable way to go.
Reseeding over dead sod is pretty straightforward if you follow the right steps. Here’s what to do:
1) Perform Soil Test
This is a crucial step because it informs you of your soil’s health and whether it will provide every nutrient necessary for the germination and growth of the seeds.
Conduct tests for soil acidity and essential nutrients, then supply the nutrients based on the report.
Related: Can you lay sod over sand?
2) Mow The Lawn
Cut the grass short (about 1 inch or so) to expose the patches and allow you to reseed properly let you plant the seeds in the soil rather than getting trapped by the leaves.
Tallgrass will hide the patches and block the new seeds from receiving sunlight inhibiting their germination and growth.
3) Rake The Lawn
Once you complete mowing your yard, rake it to get rid of dead grass and grass clippings. Raking also loosens the topsoil, which helps the grass seeds access the soil more easily, allowing them to take root effortlessly after germination.
4) Dethatch The Lawn
Thatch will likely block the seeds from the soil, making it hard for them to germinate; that’s why it’s vital to dethatch.
Dethatching removes dead layers on top of the soil, facilitating easier nutrient uptake.
Read more: Can you dethatch St. Augustine grass
5) Aerate
If the soil in your yard is compact because of not aerating in the past or heavy foot traffic, aeration before reseeding is important.
Compact soil prevents grass from developing deep roots because it won’t access nutrients easily, leading to a patchy lawn with thin grass.
Read more: how to overseed lawn without aerating
6) Reseed
It’s time for the grass seeds to go into the ground, and you must do it properly. Separate the seeds into two batches, reseed in one direction using the first batch, then alter the direction and spread the seeds from the second batch.
Read more: Laying sod next to existing grass
Doing so ensures the seeds are spread evenly without leaving any patches unseeded. Stick to the specified rate of 25 grams per meter square.
You can reseed by hand if you are dealing with tiny patches; otherwise, get a spreader for bigger ones to ensure you do the job correctly.
7) Roll It
After spreading the seeds, roll the lawn to ensure the seeds get into the ground, preventing birds and other seed-eating animals from feasting on them. For the best results, roll your yard 1 to 2 times.
8) Water
Give the seeds the best chance of germinating by lightly watering your lawn 2 to 3 times every day to ensure the ground stays cool and moist.
After germination, lower the watering frequency while increasing the water quantity to promote the development of deep roots.
Also Read: How Long Does it Take For Sod to Take Root?
What Do You Need To Overseed New Sod?
You will need certain tools and materials to conduct successful overseeding. These are:
1. The Grass Seed
Grass seeds come in different types, so you need to pick what suits your yard and your needs best. You must also consider the type of your existing grass.
Generally, grass seeds are available in the following categories:
- Ornamental grasses
- Hard-wearing grasses
- Shady grasses
- General-purpose grasses
2. Lawnmower
You must cut your grass before overseeding, so make sure you readily have a lawnmower.
3. Pre-Seeding Fertilizer
Get a slow-release, pre-seeding fertilizer to give your grass needs the best opportunity to germinate and thrive.
4. Fertilizer And Seed Spreader
If you are dealing with a small lawn or a tiny portion, you can spread the seeds and fertilizer with your hands. However, a spreader is much better with a bigger lawn as it provides more accurate results.
You can get a small, handheld spreader or a wheeled broadcast spreader depending on the size of the lawn, your budget, and preference.
5. Lawn Roller
Ensure the seeds make good contact with the soil by pushing them into the ground using a lawn roller or lawn tamper.
Alternatively, tread your lawn with tiny steps or use a lawnmower that has a roller at the back but make sure it’s turned off before using it.
6. Sprinkler And Hose
You will need to water your lawn after seeding, so make sure you have a sprinkler and hose.
So, to conclude, can you overseed new sod?
The answer is definitely yes. You can overseed new sod where there is signs of thinning. This helps regain the grass density that is lost.
Overseeding is undoubtedly an essential part of lawn maintenance, and you can overseed new sod comfortably, ensuring you keep a thick, lush yard. It will take time for the seeds to reach full maturity but stay patient because you will appreciate the results.

Hey there, I’m Derek Schew, a writer for, where we cover everything and anything related to lawns. As someone who’s spent countless hours tending to my own lawn, I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping others achieve the perfect yard. From lawn care tips to product reviews, I’m committed to providing our readers with the most accurate and up-to-date information available. So whether you’re a seasoned lawn enthusiast or just getting started, I invite you to join our community and discover the joys of a lush, green lawn.